George Arnison and Duncan Lougee
OCC Seamanship Award - 2021
OCC Seamanship Award goes to George Arnison s/v Good Report (a 30-foot wooden sloop) and Duncan Lougee s/v Minke (a 25-foot Folkboat) in recognition of their outstanding seamanship during their first ocean passage in the 2021 Jester Azores Challenge.
When the Folkboat's rudder detached and emergency rudder failed, and after several attempts at sailing were unsuccessful, the two Challengers set up a towing system. They adapted their tactics in response to the weather; sometimes they sailed separately, sometimes Good Report would tow the Folkboat and at other times, rough weather, including a Force 9 gale, forced them to repeatedly heave-to. Some 11 days after receiving the request for help, Good Report and Minke crossed the finish line at Pria da Vitoria, Terceria.