OCC Publications
Best Practices in Bluewater Cruising
The OCC has some of the most experienced blue water sailors in the world among its membership.
To capture some of their valuable expertise, the OCC has initiated a series of white papers based on the collective experience of its members, which are shared in various communications channels including the OCC Knowledge Page, OCC Facebook Page, Flying Fish Journal and OCC Newsletter (OCC Members Only).
We will continue to publish new papers as topics arise.
If you have an idea for a topic, please contact publications@oceancruisingclub.org.

The Ocean Cruising Club, The First Fifty Years
It is important that the first 50 years of the Club's history should be recorded, as if it were not written now much would be lost.
Our thanks go to past Commodore and Club Archivist, Tony Vasey, for researching, collating, recording and writing this publication, and also to Anne Hammick and her team for assisting with the editing. Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to an anonymous member whose generous donation has gone a long way towards covering the cost of this publication.
Much has changed since Humphrey Barton set sail in 1952. We only need to think of modern methods of communication, electronic navigational systems, reliable inboard diesel engines, high-tech protective clothing, sail handling, electronic and wind vane self-steering systems, together with the near doubling of the average size of boats crossing the oceans. It is interesting to speculate what the next 50 years may bring.
However, going to sea in a small boat is, in some ways, still as hazardous as it was 50 years ago, so perhaps not much has really changed during that time. Sailing is still the challenge and adventure which it has always been and hopefully will long remain. I trust that there will continue to be a need for the Ocean Cruising Club to provide worldwide friendship and support for ocean sailors, both past and present.

Books Written by OCC Members
Please send new additions or changes to secretary@oceancruisingclub.org
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