For Sale

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"Cetacea" - 1990 Cheoy Lee 53 Motorsailor

US $650,000. Lying Kas, Turkey.

Seller: Antone Wessendorff - 19/03/2025

"Wetherley" - 1972 Camper & Nicholson 45

NZ$139,000. Lying Bay of Islands, New Zealand

Seller: Tony & Nina Kiff - 18/03/2025

"Moonstone of Leigh" - 1979 Hartley 39

€45,000 Lying Lagos, Portugal.

Seller: Redmond McMullon - 01/03/2025

"Amelie" - 2008 Oyster 53

US $549,000 Lying Seattle WA

Seller: Stephen Gratton - 27/02/2025

Plastimo Navik self-steering wind vane

£750. Lymington UK.

Seller: John Chaundy - 26/02/2025

"Aven" - 1977 Camper Nicholson 35

US $38,000. Lying Kinsale, Ireland.

Seller: Simone Machamer - 24/02/2025

"Zigzag de Villeneuve" - 2006 Ovni 365

€180,000. Lying Vuda Marina, Fiji.

Seller: Daniela Midgley - 12/02/2025

"Auntie" - 1970 Southern Ocean Gallant 53

US$139,500 - lying San Diego, California

Seller: Eve Wilhite - 11/02/2025

"Mummery" - 2000 Aluminium 51 Custom High Latitude Expedition

US $440,000 / AU $690,000. Lying Brisbane QLD.

Seller: Colin Goldsworthy - 05/02/2025

"Brita" - 2004 Passport 470CC

US$369,000. Lying Brunswick, Georgia USA

Seller: Martin Bentham - 31/01/2025

"Katrina" - 1999 Malo 36

£118,500. Lying Dartmouth UK.

Seller: Mike Pleass - 17/01/2025

"Kuleana" - 1985 Tayana 37

Offers over US$ 68,000. Lying East Englewood, Florida.

Seller: John Zeigler - 08/01/2025

“PR2” - 1994 Warrior 40

USD 120,000. UK Registered & VAT Paid. Lying: Chaguaramas, Trinidad.

Seller: Peter & Robbie Nuttycombe - 08/01/2025

Blake Victory Toilet

US$500 ONO. Florida.

Seller: Gary & MaryAnn Yocum - 03/01/2025

Iridium Extreme and RedPort Optimizer

£1,000 or best offer.

Seller: Peter Dunbar - 30/12/2024

"Oceans Five" - 1983 Chevrier 36

South African Rand 250,000. Registered in Canada.

Seller: Dennison Berwick - 30/10/2024

2 x Dahon Folding Bicycles

£850 ono the pair. Salisbury UK.

Seller: David Rutter - 01/10/2024

"Chugach" - 2009 Ovni 495

€ 340 000, VAT Paid. Lying in Arzal, South Brittany, France in Arzal Nautique shipyard.

Seller: Olivier Fourment - 26/09/2024

"Blue Wonder" - 2015 Broadblue Rapier 54

£999,950 Lying Emsworth UK

Seller: Paddy Barker - 31/08/2024

"Roxy" - 1984 Camper & Nicholson 58 ketch

US$319,000. Lying Annapolis MD.

Seller: Mark Honeke - 19/06/2024

"Scintilla" - 1986 CT 49

Asking US$139,000. Lying Port Orchard WA.

Seller: Christopher Payne & Chris Barnes - 17/06/2024

"Dawnpiper" - 2002 Trintella 47

US$479,000. Lying Stamford CT USA.

Seller: Charles Starke - 07/06/2024

"Talaria" - 1988 Tayana 42

USD 118,000. Lying - Brunswick, Georgia - USA.

Seller: Mike & Melanie Dillard - 28/05/2024

“ Mon Tour” - 1980 Chassiron RF 35

NZ$37,000 (£18,500) - British registered. Lying Nelson NZ.

Seller: Dave Sneath - 05/04/2024

"Flying Fish" - 2010 Laurent Giles Vertue 25 custom built

USD $98,000 East Boothbay, Maine

Seller: Jack Bassett & Carolyn Shubert - 05/01/2024

"Kirsten Jayne" - 1980 Vagabond 42

Lying Port Napoleon du Rhone

Seller: Keith Benton - 03/07/2023


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