Dan Stroud
OCC Jester Award - 2019
The OCC Jester Award goes to Dan Stroud who is sailing around the world in a 31ft Rustler. This award, named after Blondie Hasler’s iconic Folkboat Jester, recognises a noteworthy singlehanded voyage or series of voyages made in a small vessel. Our panel of judges were extremely impressed by Dan’s singlehanded, low tech cruise from the UK to South Africa. He started a circumnavigation in the spirit of challenge and adventure, but his reasons have changed during his time underway. By the time he reached the North Pacific via Ushuaia and the Marquesas, he was feeling he'd had enough. But the logical option was to continue westward – so now he is completing the circumnavigation to return home. He keeps everything simple and low key, with just the basic necessities on board, few electronics or gadgets, and no fridge or shower.