Mike Norris
Water Music Trophy - 2018
In early 2017 Mike Norris and his wife, Helen (non-member), set off east across the Mediterranean via the Balearics, Sicily, Malta and Crete heading for the Greek islands. They wrote up their passage, with brief descriptions of the places they visited en route and some useful pilotage information, in 'Our Greek Odyssey' (Flying Fish 2017/2). This was backed by much more detail and many more excellent photos on their blog (https://islanddriftermediterranean2017.blogspot.com/). In 2018, they explored many of the islands fringing the Aegean Sea, as described in 'Our Greek Odyssey, continued' (Flying Fish 2018/2) with more in their blog. A brief dip into either of their blogs will show how well they’re laid out, making it easy to check out a
particular harbour, while their hand-drawn chartlets are very helpful to those unfamiliar with an area.
Photo: Mike enjoying a moussaka in a bakaliko in Leros (© Helen Norris)