Peter McCrea
The Vertue Award - 2014
s/v Panacea
Peter fulfils all the criteria. He has been an OCC member for 21 years, having qualified in 1990 on a passage from Norfolk VA to Virgin Gorda BVI. His sailing CV includes the entire US East Coast from Maine to Key West; Bermuda – many times; an Atlantic Circle in 1994-95; the Eastern Caribbean in 1991 & 95, the Bahamas in 1999; Nova Scotia along the South Coast to Cape Breton in 2000. Plus eleven Bermuda 1-2 races, every other year from 1987 to 2013, sailing single-handed to Bermuda and 2-handed on the return to Newport.
Peter has been a huge advocate for 1-2 race and the joys of single handing. He has attracted numerous cruisers to the OCC as a result of his association with the Bermuda 1-2. Peter has been one of OCC’s best Port Officers having served effectively in Newport RI and currently in Thomaston/Rockland Maine. He has spoken to our OCC New England gatherings on numerous occasions about his single-handing and general ocean cruising experience. His presentations are always well received. He has been a ready helper to those of us organizing events and gatherings. He gladly does the hard work and prefers to stay out of the limelight. Peter’s boat, Panacea, with sail number 35 is a Freedom 32.
Photo: Peter McCrea poses with OCC Vertue Award, flanked by Doug Bruce at left, the club's Regional Rear Commodore, and at right by Susi Homer, Port Officer for Southwest Harbor