Duncan and Ria Briggs
Water Music Trophy - 2013
Sea Topaz -- for sharing valuable navigation information about Sulawesi in print and online.
Throughout the eight years that Ria and Duncan have been cruising on their steel Callisto 435 cutter, Sea Topaz, they have always flown their OCC burgee, have made many friends, and have shared their experiences and pilotage information with the members of the OCC. Most recently, they have written in detail about cruising Sulawesi, providing descriptions and co-ordinates of many of the harbours and anchorages. Further information about many of these places they posted in the Anchorage Notes for Sulawesi on the Cruising Information Community website.
They started their journey in Turkey, then headed west, crossed the Atlantic and Pacific,and are for the immediate future based in Malaysia, old stomping grounds as Duncan served in the Far East and Nepal with the Ghurkas.