RoRC Photos 2019

Bill Balme in the UK
Laurie Balme in the UK
Judy Howison (RRC) with Warwick Alliston (Wick) POR Papua in Sorong
Bob and Judy (RRCs) with Anna and her husband in Pulau Moratai
Pulau Wayag, quintessential Raja Ampat with conical karst Islands and sapphire seas.
Off to do the laundry!
Two passengers in front and Anna, our guide on the back of the motorbike with the driver.
Fall on the East Coast
David Bridges
Ernie Godshalk with information on the Baltic
Skipper Anne Lloyd
with OCC member crew Eve Wilhite and PO Diane Tertrault celebrating Sofia's arrival in Beaufort, NC
Spruce in British Columbia
Liza Copeland with Sue Warman in Vancouver
Spruce in BC
Moose Afloat- Two mile offshore
Spruce in BC
Doubtful Sound-Spruce at anchor
Spruce in BC
Dive! Humpbacks at Bishop Bay
Spruce in BC
Princess Louisa Strait-Few visitors out of season
Hiva Oa